ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know what a graph is? It's a way of showing information by using lines, bars or points on a coordinate plane.

Now, imagine that you have a graph where you want to input a lot of important information, like the temperature outside each day for a whole year. But instead of just writing these temperatures in a list, a smarter way to show this information would be to create a graph where the temperature is on the Y axis and the day/month is on the X axis.

But what if you want to do something more complicated? What if you want to say that the temperature and the humidity are both important and you want to show how they relate to each other? This is where graph-int comes in.

Graph-int stands for "graph interpretation". It involves taking a graph and analyzing it to find important information that might not be immediately visible. For example, let's say we have a graph that shows the amount of people working in a factory over time. Just looking at this graph may not tell us much, but if we take the time to analyze it, we might notice that the number of people working in the factory drops on weekends. This could be an important insight that we wouldn't have seen if we didn't do graph-int.

So, in summary, graph-int is the process of analyzing and interpreting graphs to find more useful and insightful information. It's kind of like being a detective and looking for clues in a picture.