ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gabriel graph

Okay kiddo, do you know what a graph is? It's like a picture with little dots and lines that connect them. Some people use graphs to study things like how far apart things are from each other.

Well, a Gabriel Graph is a special kind of graph where the dots are points that represent things, like people or stores, and the lines connect them if they are "close".

But what does "close" mean? It means that if you drew a circle around any two dots, called a "disk", then no other dots can be inside that circle. Kind of like a hug that doesn't have any other people in it!

So, people use Gabriel Graphs to understand how far apart things are from each other, and also to find the best way to connect them. This can be really useful for things like maps or computer networks.

Pretty neat, huh?