ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galactic orientation

Okay kiddo, let's talk about how galaxies are oriented. You know how when you look at a picture book, some pictures are right-side up and some are upside down? Well, galaxies can be like that too.

Galaxies are big groups of stars, planets, and other stuff that are held together by gravity. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but most of them are kind of like a big round blob. Scientists that study space have noticed that some galaxies are spinning. It's kind of like when you spin a top, it goes round and round.

Now, the way a galaxy is oriented depends on how it's spinning. If a galaxy is spinning in one direction, it might look like it's right-side up to us. But if it's spinning in the opposite direction, it might look upside down!

Scientists use special tools and telescopes to look at galaxies and figure out which way they're spinning. They can also look at the stars in a galaxy to figure out how they're moving. All of this helps them understand more about how galaxies form and evolve over time.

So, when you see a picture of a galaxy online or in a book, remember that it might be right-side up or it might be upside down, depending on how it's spinning. And if you ever want to learn more about galaxies, you can ask a scientist who studies space!