ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Galician Institute for Celtic Studies

The Galician Institute for Celtic Studies is a place where people go to learn about the culture, traditions, and language of the Celtic people who lived in Galicia a long time ago.

Think about it like this - a long, long time ago, there were a group of people who lived in Galicia. They had their own language, music, stories, and way of life. Over time, their traditions and ways of living changed, but some people were interested in preserving their culture and language.

That's where the Galician Institute for Celtic Studies comes in. They want to help people learn more about the Celtic people who used to live in Galicia. They have teachers who can teach people the language, they have books and other things to help people learn about their history and traditions, and they even organize events and festivals to celebrate their culture.

So if you're interested in learning more about the Celtic people who used to live in Galicia, you can go to the Galician Institute for Celtic Studies and they'll help you discover all kinds of cool things about them!