ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gallegly amendment

So, imagine there is a lunch box with a bunch of cookies in it. One day, your friend comes over and says they can only have one cookie because they are on a diet. But then, another friend comes over and says they can have as many cookies as they want because they don't really care about their diet.

Now, imagine that the cookies are actually jobs that people want to have in America. The Gallegly Amendment was a rule that said if someone wanted to work in America, they couldn't bring their spouse along if their spouse was not allowed to work.

This rule made it harder for some people to come to America and work because it meant that if they came alone, their spouse might not be able to come with them. It was like saying if you want a cookie, you can only have it if no one else wants one too.

Some people thought this rule was not fair because it made it harder for families to stay together. Others thought it was necessary because they believed it would help Americans keep more jobs. In the end, the Gallegly Amendment was not passed and is no longer a rule in America.