ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gambler's conceit

Have you ever played a game of chance like rolling a die, flipping a coin or spinning a roulette wheel? Sometimes, when you play these games, you might think that if you keep playing for long enough, you're bound to win eventually. But that's not always true.

This is called gambler's conceit, and it's when people start to believe that even though they're losing, they're somehow "due" for a win. They might think that because they've lost a few times in a row, they're going to win the next round. But each round is its own separate event with the same chance of winning or losing, so past losses or wins don't change these odds.

It's important to remember that gambling is all about chance and luck, and just because a person has lost a lot in the past, it doesn't mean they are guaranteed to win in the future. The best way to stay safe when gambling is to gamble responsibly and only with money that one can afford to lose.