ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gammon (meat)

Gammon is a type of meat that comes from a pig. It's usually taken from the hind leg of the pig and has a big bone in the middle.

To get gammon, the pig is first killed, and then the meat is taken off the bone. Then the meat is cured, which means it's covered with a mixture of salt, sugar, and other spices. This helps preserve the meat and makes it taste really good.

After the meat is cured, it can be cooked in a few different ways. One popular way is to boil it or roast it in the oven. This makes the meat really tender and juicy.

Gammon is often eaten as part of a big meal, like at Christmas or Easter. It can also be sliced and put in sandwiches or salads. Some people even like to eat it cold straight out of the fridge!