ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gang of Four (software)

Imagine you have a group of four friends who always hang out and work together. They have different talents and skills that they bring to the table, like one friend who is really good at drawing, another who is good at math, another who is good at organizing things, and another who is creative and comes up with ideas.

Similarly, in computer programming, there is a group of four software design patterns that are commonly used together, called the Gang of Four. These patterns help programmers solve common problems in software development by providing a blueprint or template for how to structure their code. Just like how the four friends each have their own strengths, each design pattern in the Gang of Four has its own specific purpose and helps handle different situations.

For example, one design pattern called the Singleton helps make sure that only one instance of a particular object is created, so that it doesn't take up unnecessary memory resources. Another pattern called the Factory Method helps create new objects in a more flexible way, by allowing the code to choose between different options instead of always creating the same type of object.

Overall, the Gang of Four is like a group of helpful friends who guide programmers in how to write efficient and effective code for their software projects.