ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Garden à la française

Imagine you have a big, big yard with lots of pretty flowers, plants, and trees. When you look down at your yard from above, you might see that your plants are all in straight lines or in symmetrical shapes like circles or squares. This is kind of what a garden à la française looks like!

People started making gardens like this a long, long time ago in France. They wanted their gardens to look very fancy and organized. They would put fountains and statues in the garden, too. These gardens were usually big and took a lot of work to take care of, so you might see people like gardeners or servants helping take care of the plants and the fountains in the garden.

Nowadays, lots of people still make gardens like this because they think they look very pretty and elegant. They might even make smaller gardens in their own backyards or in front of their homes!