ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Garden tools

Garden tools are things that people use to help them take care of their plants and gardens. Just like how you have crayons and pencils to help you draw and color, grownups have different tools to help them take care of their plants.

One of the most common tools that people use is called a shovel. It looks kind of like a big spoon and is used to dig holes in the dirt to plant new flowers or vegetables. People might also use a rake, which has a lot of thin sticks sticking out of it, to clean up leaves and debris from their garden.

Another tool you might see is called a hoe, which looks kind of like a flat stick with a sharp edge at the end. It's used to break up the dirt to make it easier for plants to grow, and also to remove any weeds that might be growing in the garden.

Some people also use something called a trowel, which is like a tiny shovel that they can use to dig small holes or move soil around. And, of course, you can't forget about the watering can, which is used to give plants the water they need to grow big and strong.

All of these tools can be really helpful in taking care of a garden, which is like a special place where plants can grow and people can enjoy being outside.
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