ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gastropod shell

Gastropods are creatures that live in the ocean or on land and have a hard shell to protect their soft body. Imagine it like wearing a bike helmet to protect your head!

The shell is made out of a hard material called calcium carbonate, which is also found in things like chalk and seashells. It grows with the gastropod, kind of like how your fingernails grow with you.

The shell is usually spiraled, like a snail shell. This helps the gastropod move around more easily and protects it from things that might try to eat it.

Some gastropod shells are really pretty and colorful, like a seashell you might find on the beach! People like to collect them and use them for decorations or jewelry.

So basically, a gastropod shell is like a little house for a snail or other similar creature to protect its body from harm!