ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gatehouse (waterworks)

Imagine a big playground with lots of different toys like slides and swings. Now imagine that you want to make sure that only certain kids can play on certain toys. That's what a gatehouse at a waterworks does - it makes sure that only certain water can go to certain places.

Waterworks are like big factories that take dirty water from lakes or rivers and clean it so that people can use it in their homes or businesses. But the water has to be sent through different pipes to get to different places. For example, some pipes might send the water to your faucet so you can wash your hands, while other pipes might send the water to a swimming pool.

The gatehouse is like the boss of the waterworks. It has big doors called gates that can be opened and closed to send the water to different pipes. So if the gatehouse wants the water to go to the faucet, it opens one gate and shuts another gate to make sure the water doesn't go to the swimming pool by mistake.

Just like with the playground toys, the gatehouse makes sure that the water goes where it's supposed to go, and doesn't go where it's not supposed to go.