ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gateway Load Balancing Protocol

Have you ever played a game with your friends where you have to pass a ball between the players and everyone has to catch it and pass it without dropping it? That’s like what happens when different devices like phones, computers, and printers need to talk to a big computer called a server.

Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) is like having more than one ball to pass around among your friends so that if one ball drops or is too heavy for someone to catch, there is always another ball available.

GLBP is a smart way for devices to talk to the server because it helps to balance the load or weight of the communication between the devices and the server. It makes sure that everyone gets a turn to talk and that no one device gets too tired to talk to the server.

Think of it like a group of people in line to get food. They all take turns serving themselves so that no one person has to wait too long. With GLBP, everyone can talk to the server quickly and efficiently without anyone getting left behind or waiting too long.