ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender in Bugis society

Well, Bugis society is a group of people who live in the country of Indonesia. In their society, they have many different genders, which means that they do not just have boys and girls like we normally think of. They have more than five different genders!

Some of the genders in Bugis society include:

- Oroané: This is a male gender, which means that they feel like they are boys.
- Makkunrai: This is a female gender, which means that they feel like they are girls.
- Calalai: This is a gender that is a mix between a boy and a girl. They may dress like a boy and act like a boy, but they also may feel like a girl sometimes.
- Calabai: This is another gender that is a mix between a boy and a girl. They may dress like a girl and act like a girl, but they also may feel like a boy sometimes.
- Bissu: This is a gender that is considered sacred in Bugis society. People who identify as Bissu may dress differently and have different beliefs than the other genders.

In Bugis society, each gender has their own roles and responsibilities. For example, Oroané might be expected to hunt and fish, while Makkunrai might be expected to take care of the family and cook.

It's important to remember that just because someone is a certain gender in Bugis society, it doesn't mean that they will act or behave a certain way. Everyone is unique and has their own personality, just like how you and your friends are all different too.