ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender neutrality in Portuguese

Gender neutrality in Portuguese means using language that does not identify someone's gender as male or female. In Portuguese, every word has a gender, either masculine or feminine. For example, the word "amigo" means friend and is masculine, while "amiga" means friend but is feminine. This can create problems because it assumes that people are either male or female, and can be excluding for people who do not identify as either.

To be gender neutral in Portuguese, people can use gender neutral language by replacing gendered words with gender neutral ones whenever possible. This can include using "amigx" instead of "amigo" or "amiga" to refer to a friend or "pessoas" instead of "homens e mulheres" to refer to people.

Using gender neutral language is important because it creates an inclusive environment and shows respect for people who are transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming. It also helps to dismantle the gender binary that is often perpetuated through language, and allows for more equality and understanding between people.