ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gene cluster

Picture a big box filled with lots and lots of different colored Lego blocks. Some of the Lego blocks are stacked together in groups that make certain shapes or objects, like a car or a castle. These groups are like gene clusters, which are groups of specific genes that are located close to each other on a chromosome in our bodies.

Just like how the Lego blocks in a group can work together to make a specific object or shape, the genes in a gene cluster can work together to control different things in our bodies. For example, there might be a gene cluster that controls how our body responds to stress or a gene cluster that controls the color of our eyes.

Scientists are interested in gene clusters because they can help us understand how our bodies work and why we might be more susceptible to certain diseases or conditions. By studying the genes in different gene clusters, scientists can learn about how our genes interact with each other and how they contribute to our overall health and wellbeing.