ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well hello there! Today we're going to talk about a big topic: "general". When someone talks about "general", they usually mean something that is related to a lot of different things. It's kind of like when you go to the store and you see a section for "general" supplies - they have lots of different things there like pencils, paper, and stickers.

Sometimes people also use "general" to mean something that is not specific or detailed, but more broad and general. For example, if your mom asked you what you did today, you could say "I played outside" which is a general description of what you did. But if she asked you for more details you could say "I played with my friends on the playground and we went on the swings and slide" which is a more specific description.

Overall, "general" is a word that can mean different things depending on the context, but it usually refers to things that are broad and not too specific.