ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geno 2.0 Next Generation

Okay, so you know how we're all different, right? Our hair, our eyes, our skin, and even the way we like to play and learn. A big part of what makes us different is inside our bodies - our genes! Genes are like tiny instruction manuals that tell our bodies how to grow and work.

Now, scientists have found a really cool way to look at all of our genes and learn about where they came from. It's called the geno 2.0 next generation test. That means it's a special kind of test that looks at all of our genes and can tell us about our family history and where our ancestors came from.

Basically, scientists take a little sample of our DNA (which is like a book with all of our genes inside), and then they read that book very carefully to find out which bits came from which parts of the world. They can even tell us about our ancestors who lived a long, long time ago - like thousands of years ago!

So, by taking the geno 2.0 next generation test, we can learn all sorts of things about ourselves and our family history. But don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all, and it's actually really fun and interesting to learn about all the different places our genes come from!