ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genocide of Yazidis by ISIL

Okay, listen closely. There are some people called Yazidis, and they live in a place called Iraq. They have their own religion and believe in different things than some other people there. Unfortunately, some other people, called ISIS or ISIL, don't like the Yazidis and want to hurt them really badly.

They started doing really mean things to Yazidis, like taking them away from their homes and families, hurting them, and even killing them. They did this because they don't like the Yazidis' religion and culture. Lots and lots of Yazidis had to run away from their homes and hide so that they wouldn't get hurt or killed.

This was a very, very bad thing because everyone should be able to believe in what they want to and live without being afraid. Lots of people all over the world tried to help stop the bad things from happening to the Yazidis, but it was very hard to do.

The Yazidis still need help to be safe and protected, but there are people who are working hard to make sure that something like this never happens again.