ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genziana liqueur

Genziana liqueur is a special kind of drink that grown-ups like to have sometimes. It is made from a plant called genziana, which can be found in the mountains in Italy.

To make the liqueur, people pick the genziana flowers and leaves from the plant. Then they put them in a big container, like a big jar, and add alcohol. The alcohol helps to absorb the flavor and other good things from the plant.

After a while, usually a few weeks or even months, the genziana plant and alcohol mixture has turned into a liquid. But the drink is not finished yet! People have to strain the liquid to remove all the solid parts of the plant. This makes the drink smooth and nice to drink.

Now that the genziana liqueur is ready, people can drink it! It has a special taste that is kind of bitter and herbal, but some people really like it. Some people even say that it helps with digestion, which means it helps your tummy feel better after you eat.

You can drink the genziana liqueur by itself, meaning you just have a little glass of it. Some people also like to mix it with other things to make yummy cocktails. For example, they might add some soda or lemon to make it taste even better!

But remember, genziana liqueur is for grown-ups only because it has alcohol in it. Alcohol is not good for little kids like us, so we have to wait until we are older to try it.