ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geology of Seychelles

Okay, kiddo, let's talk about the rocks and land of Seychelles!

Do you remember when we learned about how the world was made a very very long time ago? The big pieces of land were always moving around and bumping into each other, right? Well, Seychelles is a group of islands that were formed when two of those big pieces of land got together and made a new landmass!

The rocks in Seychelles are made up of different types of things. Do you know what sand is made of? Tiny little pieces of rocks and shells! Well, Seychelles has a lot of sand because the islands are made up of rocks that contain a lot of these tiny pieces.

Another type of rock in Seychelles is called granite. Granite is really tough and strong. It's made deep below the surface of the Earth when hot molten rock cools down and hardens. These rocks are what make up the mountains on some of the islands in Seychelles, and they can be really pretty to look at.

But wait, there's more! Seychelles is also home to some really old rocks that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago! These rocks were once part of the ocean floor, and over time they were pushed up above the water and became land. They have some really cool features, like layers that tell us how they were formed and what the environment was like at the time.

So there you have it, kiddo! Seychelles has a really interesting geology with lots of different types of rocks that all tell us different stories about how the islands formed.