ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geology of Snowdonia National Park

Snowdonia National Park is a very big area in Wales where there are lots of different types of rocks and rock formations. These rocks were made a long, long time ago when the earth was very different than it is today.

There are lots of different types of rocks in Snowdonia National Park. Some rocks are hard and strong, like granite and slate. Other rocks are softer, like sandstone and limestone. Some rocks have different colors, like red sandstone or gray slate.

A long time ago, there was a big, hot, molten ball in the center of the earth. This ball was so hot that it melted everything around it. As the molten ball cooled down, it formed a hard shell around it. This shell is called the earth's crust.

The rocks that make up Snowdonia National Park were formed in many different ways. Some rocks were formed when hot magma (molten rock) cooled and hardened over millions of years. Other rocks were formed when millions of tiny shells and organisms settled on the ocean floor and compressed over time.

The rocks in Snowdonia have also been shaped by lots of different processes over time. For example, glaciers (huge sheets of ice) moved through the area during the last Ice Age, scraping and eroding the landscape. Rivers and streams have also carved deep valleys and canyons through the rock over time.

Overall, the geology of Snowdonia National Park is incredibly complex and varied. It tells the story of the earth's long history and the way that it has changed over time.