ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geometric complexity theory

Geometric complexity theory, or GCT for short, is like playing with Legos, but instead of building a castle, we're trying to find out how hard it is to solve mathematical problems.

Imagine you have a bunch of different types of Legos, some are red, some are blue, some are squares, some are triangles, and so on. Similarly, in GCT, we have different types of mathematical objects like points, lines, circles, and more.

Now, we want to know if we can fit these Legos together in a certain way to solve a specific math problem, just like we fit Legos together to build a castle. But some math problems are harder to solve than others, just like some Lego castles may be harder to build than others.

GCT is all about figuring out which mathematical problems are harder to solve than others by using these different types of mathematical objects. It's like figuring out which Lego castles are harder to build by using different types of Legos.

Scientists use GCT to study things like quantum computing and to find out if certain long-standing mathematical conjectures are true. But just like building a Lego castle, it's not always easy to figure out the solution to these complex math problems.