ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

George Arundale

George Arundale was a man who lived a long time ago. He was born in 1878 and died in 1945. He was an important person in a group called Theosophy. Theosophy is a way of thinking about the world that helps people understand things that might be hard to understand in a regular way.

George Arundale was really interested in things like spirituality and the idea that there is more to the world than just what we can see with our eyes. He wanted to help people understand these things too, so he wrote books and gave talks to share his ideas.

One of Arundale's biggest ideas was that all people are connected in some way. He believed that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves, and that we should treat each other with kindness and understanding.

Arundale traveled to many different countries to talk about Theosophy and his ideas. He even went to India, which is where Theosophy started. He helped people there understand Theosophy and how it could help them.

Overall, George Arundale was an important person in Theosophy who wanted to help people understand spirituality and the idea that we are all connected.