ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Georgii Zeliony

Georgii Zeliony was a scientist who studied living things called plants. He was very interested in how plants grow and change over time. He used a special tool called a microscope to look at tiny parts of plants that can't be seen with our eyes.

Just like how we need food and water to grow big and strong, plants also need certain things to help them grow. Zeliony found that plants need a special material called chlorophyll to grow and make food. Chlorophyll helps plants turn sunlight into energy which they use to stay healthy.

Zeliony also discovered that plants have different parts that do different things. For example, the roots of a plant help it absorb nutrients from the soil, while the leaves help it absorb sunlight. He found that if one part of a plant is damaged, it can affect the entire plant's growth.

Zeliony's discoveries help us understand more about how plants work and how we can help them grow better. Many people today use his work to help improve agriculture and grow crops more efficiently.