ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Geostationary balloon satellite

A geostationary balloon satellite is a type of satellite that stays in the same spot in the sky all the time. It stays up in the air by being attached to a big balloon. Imagine a big balloon that is so big that you can see it from the ground, and it has a satellite attached to it.

The satellite is able to stay at the same spot in the sky because it is orbiting the Earth at the same speed that the Earth is spinning. This means that it always stays above the same spot on the Earth's surface.

From up there, the satellite can do all sorts of things, like taking pictures of the Earth or sending signals to other places on Earth. It's like having a really tall tower that can see everything around it.

The balloon is there to help keep the satellite up in the air. It's like having a really big, really light airplane that never has to come down. The balloon is filled with helium, which is much lighter than air, so it floats.

Overall, a geostationary balloon satellite is a way to keep a satellite in one place in the sky without having to use a lot of fuel to keep it there. It's like a giant floating tower that can see everything around it, and it helps us do things like communicate with people far away or study the Earth from above.