ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

German Village (Dugway Proving Ground)

A German Village is a special place located at a place called Dugway Proving Ground. A "proving ground" is a place where very smart and important people do experiments and tests to see if new things work the way they are supposed to. In this case, the experiments they do at Dugway are about ways to protect people and soldiers from things that could hurt them, like dangerous chemicals and bombs.

The German Village looks like a little town with houses and streets, just like the ones you might see in a storybook. But instead of real people living in the houses, it's empty! That's because the village was built to be a place where the smart people at Dugway could practice things they might have to do in real life, like rescue people or stop bad guys from using bombs.

Sometimes the smart people at Dugway will dress up like soldiers or firefighters and practice different things in the German Village. They'll use special tools to open doors and windows and try to find hidden bombs or save people who might be trapped. They do this all to make sure they know how to do everything exactly right if there is an emergency in real life.

So even though the German Village might look like a fun little town with no one to play with, it's actually a really important place where some very special people practice keeping us safe!