ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, so gestus means the way people behave and show their feelings and thoughts on the outside. You know when mommy is happy, she smiles a lot, and when she is sad, she might cry or frown. Gestus is all about those little things you do with your face, body, and voice to show how you feel.

But it's not just about individuals, it's also about groups of people and how they act together. When you watch a movie or a play, you might notice that the characters have different gestus that tell you who they are and how they relate to others. For example, the hero might stand up straight and confident while the villain slouches and sneers.

So gestus is really about how people express themselves physically and emotionally, whether they are alone or with others. It's a way of communicating without words, and it's something we all do without even realizing it.