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Ghosts in Bengali culture

Hey kiddo! Have you ever heard about ghosts? In Bengali culture, people believe in ghosts, which are called "bhoot" in Bengali. These ghosts are said to be the spirits of dead people, who could not find peace after death.

In Bengali culture, some ghosts are seen as bad and harmful, while others are viewed as good and helpful. The bad ghosts are called "pret," and they are believed to haunt and trouble people. The good ghosts are called "daakini" and "daakin," and they are thought to protect people from evil spirits.

Many people in Bengal believe that ghosts can possess living people, and they can become sick or act strangely because of it. To protect themselves from ghosts, people perform rituals and offer prayers. They also wear charms and amulets that they believe will keep ghosts away.

In Bengali culture, there are many stories about ghosts, from scary tales to heartwarming legends. These stories often include lessons about morality and values, and they are passed down from generation to generation.

Overall, ghosts are an essential part of Bengali culture, and people believe that they can influence their lives in many different ways. While some people are scared of ghosts, others see them as a source of comfort and protection.