ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ghurabiyya Shia

Okay kiddo, so imagine there are many groups of people who follow a religion called Islam. One of those groups is called the Shia. The Shia believe in following a certain group of religious leaders called imams. Ghurabiyya Shia is a specific group within the Shia community, and they believe in following a certain imam named Musa al-Kadhim.

Now, imagine there are different ways to interpret and practice religion. Ghurabiyya Shia has a unique way of interpreting and practicing their religion. They believe in rejecting any traditions or practices that they think are not supported by the teachings of their imam, Musa al-Kadhim. They think that other Shia groups have added on too many additional traditions and practices that aren't really needed.

Overall, Ghurabiyya Shia is a specific group within the Shia community that believes in following a certain imam and has a unique way of practicing their religion.