ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gilbert Durand

Gilbert Durand was a very smart and important man who came up with lots of interesting ideas about how people think and feel about things. He believed that everyone has something called an "imaginary" inside of them, which helps them understand and make sense of the world around them.

In order to explain his ideas, Gilbert Durand used a lot of big words and complicated theories. But at the heart of what he was saying is that people have certain patterns of thinking and feeling that help them make sense of the world. He called these patterns "archetypes."

To help explain what he meant by "archetypes," let's use an example. Imagine you are playing pretend with your friends on a playground. You might pretend to be a superhero, or a princess, or a cowboy. These are all different archetypes that you can use to help you pretend and understand the game you are playing.

Gilbert Durand believed that these archetypes are not just for playtime, but that they are inside of us all the time, helping us understand the world around us. He said that everyone has different archetypes that are important to them, and that these archetypes can help us understand our emotions and behaviours.

Overall, Gilbert Durand was a very smart man who helped us understand how our imaginations and beliefs shape the way we understand the world. By studying his ideas, we can learn more about what makes people think and feel the way they do.