ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Giraffe Manor

Have you ever seen a really tall animal with a long neck called a giraffe? Well, there's a special place called Giraffe Manor where you can eat breakfast with these giraffes right at your table!

Giraffe Manor is a big house in Kenya with special areas where giraffes roam around. They come up to the windows and doors to say hello and sometimes even ask for some food. They eat special food pellets and love to nibble on things like carrots and lettuce that guests can feed them.

When you stay at Giraffe Manor, you get to wake up early in the morning and go to the dining room for breakfast. While you're eating your cereal and toast, the giraffes will come up to the big windows to sniff around and see if you have anything to share.

It's important to remember that even though the giraffes are friendly, they're still wild animals and need to be respected. That means no pulling their tails or trying to ride them like horses! But if you're gentle and kind to the giraffes, they'll be more likely to come say hello and maybe even give you a kiss on the cheek!