ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a very special day when people from all over the world learn and talk about how to make things and places more accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.

Imagine playing a game with your friends, but you have trouble sitting on the floor like they do. This can make it difficult for you to join in and play the game. This is where accessibility comes in - it means making small changes to the game so that you can join in too. It could be as simple as bringing a chair or adjusting the rules of the game slightly so that it's more comfortable or suitable for you to participate.

Similarly, in the real world, there are people who have different needs and require different types of accommodations to fully enjoy and benefit from everyday activities. For example, a person who uses a wheelchair might need a ramp or wider doorways to get into buildings, while someone with a visual impairment might need larger text or audio descriptions to read or navigate websites.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day draws attention to these needs and helps people understand how they can make small but impactful changes in their daily lives to make the world more accessible and inclusive for everyone. Through education, advocacy, and action, we can help create a world where everyone has equal access to opportunities and experiences, regardless of their abilities.