ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day is a very special day when everyone is reminded about the importance of washing their hands. It's like a reminder to everyone about how important it is to keep your hands clean so that you don't get sick or spread germs to other people.

On this day, people all around the world are encouraged to wash their hands very carefully and thoroughly. This means using soap and warm water to clean all parts of their hands, especially between their fingers and underneath their nails. It's important to do this because it helps to get rid of germs that might be living on your hands and could make you sick.

Global Handwashing Day reminds us that washing our hands is a really simple but effective way to prevent the spread of germs and diseases. It's something that we can all do to help keep ourselves and our communities healthy. So on this special day, be sure to wash your hands very well so that you can stay healthy and happy!