ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Hunger Index

Okay, kiddo, the Global Hunger Index is a way to measure how many people in the world are hungry and don't have enough food to eat.

When we’re hungry, we feel empty and grumpy, right? Imagine feeling like that all the time, and not having anything to eat to make that feeling go away. That's what happens to a lot of people in the world, and it's not good for their health or happiness.

So, scientists and experts have come up with a way to measure how much hunger there is in different parts of the world. They look at things like how many people are malnourished (which means they're not getting enough healthy food), how many children are underweight, and how many people are starving to death.

Then they put all those numbers together and come up with a score, kind of like getting a grade in school. If a country has a high score on the Global Hunger Index, that means there are a lot of people there who are hungry and not getting enough food.

The Global Hunger Index helps us understand where hunger is the worst, so that we can try to help those people get the food they need. It's like making a list of all the people who need help, so that we can figure out how to give them food and make them feel better.

We want everyone in the world to have enough to eat and not feel hungry all the time. The Global Hunger Index is one way we're working towards that goal.