ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Lexicostatistical Database

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a big book where you keep track of all the words you know. Now imagine that there are many other kids like you all around the world who also have big books of all the words they know.

Well, a global lexicostatistical database is kind of like a huge book that collects and organizes all of the words that people know from all over the world. It's like a giant library of words!

But it's not just a random collection of words. Scientists use this database to compare how languages are related to each other. For example, they can look at how many words are similar between different languages and see if they have a common ancestor.

Think of it this way - you know that you have some things in common with your cousins because you have the same grandparents. Languages are like that too! They have certain things in common because they come from the same "grandparent" language.

By studying this global lexicostatistical database, scientists can learn a lot about how languages change over time and how they are connected to each other. It's really cool!