ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

The global maritime distress and safety system is like a special telephone service for boats and ships. Just like you use a phone to call for help when you need it, boats and ships use this system to call for help when they are in danger.

If a boat or a ship is in trouble or needs help, they can use the global maritime distress and safety system to send out a special signal that is picked up by other boats or ships, as well as stations on shore.

These signals have important information like the location of the boat or ship, so that rescuers can find them quickly. The system also helps to connect the boat or ship in distress with rescue or emergency services, so that they can get the help they need as quickly as possible.

In addition to distress signals, the system also provides important weather and navigational information to boats and ships, so that they can avoid dangerous situations and stay safe on the water.

Overall, the global maritime distress and safety system is like a very special phone service that helps boats and ships stay safe and get help quickly in case of an emergency.