ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Solar Atlas

Hey kiddo, do you know what the sun is? It's a big ball of fire in the sky! It gives us light during the day and helps us grow plants, isn't that amazing?

Now, some people use the sun as a source of energy to power their homes, schools, and buildings. You know, just like how we need food to have energy to play and learn, these places need energy too to work properly.

But not all places in the world have the same amount of sunlight. Some places have more, and some places have less. That's where the Global Solar Atlas comes in!

The Global Solar Atlas is like a map that tells us how much sunlight different parts of the world get. With this map, people can plan to build solar panels and get energy from the sun in the best way possible.

It's like if you want to plant a garden, you need to know which plants grow well in your area and when is the best time to plant them. The Global Solar Atlas helps people decide where to put their solar panels based on how much sunlight they will get.

So now, no matter where you live, you can use the sun to power your home! Isn't that cool?