ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Globus Jagellonicus

Globus Jagellonicus is a fancy term used to describe an object that was very important in the old times. Imagine you have a ball that is made out of rich and beautiful materials like gold, silver and precious stones. This ball is decorated with things like crowns, symbols, and pictures that tell stories.

Now, think of a very special person who is like a king or a queen. This person is so important that they rule over many people and lands. When this person walked around in places, people would carry this ball next to them as a symbol of their power and importance. It was called Globus Jagellonicus because it was named after a famous family called Jagiellons who used it as a symbol of their power.

In simple terms, it's like a shiny ball that important people carried around to show how powerful and important they were.