ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gold Reserve Inc.

Gold Reserve Inc. is a company that looks for and mines a special and valuable metal called gold. You know how you might like to find some shiny rocks or precious stones when you go out exploring? Well, gold is one of the most precious and special metals in the whole world! Gold Reserve Inc. looks for places where there is gold underground, and then their workers dig it up and bring it to the surface.

Now, once they have collected all of this gold, they keep it in a special place called a "reserve". A reserve is like a really safe piggy bank, where they can store all of the gold they have found. But why do they do this? It's because gold is so valuable that it can be used to buy things and trade with other people all over the world. It's like an extra special kind of money that people really like!

So, by having a lot of gold in their reserve, Gold Reserve Inc. can be sure that they will always have something very valuable that they can use or trade whenever they need it. Think of it like having a ton of extra toys that you really love - if you ever need something special or important, you can use those toys to help you get what you need! And that, in a nutshell, is what Gold Reserve Inc. does.