ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Golden shovel

So, a golden shovel is like a special tool that helps you dig up treasure! Imagine that you have a regular shovel that you use to dig in the dirt, but instead of just dirt, you want to dig up something special like gold or jewels. Well, sometimes those special things are really hard to find, so people use a golden shovel to help them.

Now, here's the tricky part. A golden shovel isn't actually made of real gold, it just looks gold on the outside. It's usually made of regular metal like steel, but has a layer of gold paint or coating on the surface to make it look fancy. That's why it's called a golden shovel!

But even though it's not made of gold, a golden shovel is still very special because it's used for a very special purpose. It helps people find hidden treasure or other precious things that are hard to find. So, if you ever want to dig up some treasure like a real pirate, you might want to use a golden shovel to help you!