ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gombe Chimpanzee War

Gombe chimpanzee war is a conflict between two groups of chimpanzees, or chimpanzees and other animals, in Gombe National Park in Tanzania, Africa. It started in the 1960s when scientists at the park noticed that the chimpanzees were fighting each other. They discovered that the fighting was caused by competition for food, territory, and mating partners. The chimpanzees would chase each other, throw rocks or sticks at each other, and even fight with their hands and teeth. The fighting became so intense that some members of the group died and others were badly injured. The war between the two groups of chimpanzees lasted for more than 30 years and was finally resolved in the 1990s. Scientists believe that the chimpanzees learned to cooperate and find ways to peacefully share their resources.