ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Goodness and value theory

Goodness and value theory is about figuring out what makes things good or valuable. Just like how we have different preferences for foods or toys, we also have different preferences for what we think is good or valuable.

Think about it like this: Imagine you have a toy that you really love playing with, like a favorite puzzle. You might think that puzzle is really valuable and good because it brings you so much joy. But your friend might not think it's that great because they don't like puzzles that much.

Now, imagine we are talking about something bigger, like a piece of artwork or a type of music. Some people might think that a certain painting is really good because of the colors and the way it's painted, while others might not be too impressed. And some people might think that listening to jazz music is really valuable because it makes them feel happy and energized, while others might not like it because it doesn't sound like the type of music they enjoy.

So, when we talk about goodness and value, we're really talking about what things we think are important, enjoyable, or meaningful to us. And what we find good or valuable can be influenced by a lot of things, like our personal experiences, our culture, or our individual beliefs about what matters most in life.

Overall, the study of goodness and value theory helps us to better understand why we value certain things and how we can make choices about what matters most to us.