ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Goods and Services Tax (Canada)

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Canada is like a fee that people and businesses have to pay when they buy certain things or services. It's kind of like when your parents take you to the store to buy your favorite toy, but instead of just paying for the toy, they also have to pay a little bit extra to the government. This extra bit of money helps the government pay for things like building schools, hospitals, and roads, and also helps to fund programs that help people in need. The GST rate in Canada is currently 5%, which means that for every $100 your parents spend at the store, they have to pay an extra $5 to the government. Sometimes certain things, like food or medicine, are exempt from the GST, which means your parents don't have to pay that extra fee for those items. Overall, the GST is just a way for the government to help pay for things that everyone needs and benefits from, by asking people and businesses to contribute a small amount when they buy things or services.