ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Google PowerMeter

Google PowerMeter is a way for people to see how much electricity they are using in their home. Imagine you have a toy car that you can control with a remote. The remote tells the car to move forward or backwards, just like how Google PowerMeter tells you how much electricity you are using in your home.

You know how sometimes when you're playing with toys, you like to keep track of how many times you have played with them? Well, Google PowerMeter does something similar, but with electricity. It keeps track of how much electricity you use each day, week or month, and tells you how much you've used through a special website.

Think of it like a game, where you get points for using less electricity. The less electricity you use, the better your score will be. This is because using less electricity is good for the environment, and it also saves you money because you don't have to pay as much on your electricity bill.

So, just like how you like to keep track of your toys, Google PowerMeter helps you keep track of how much electricity you are using, and helps you save both money and the environment.