ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Goos–Hänchen effect

Alright kiddo, so when light waves enter and exit a surface at an angle, sometimes something called the goos-hänchen effect happens. This is like when you throw a ball against a wall at an angle and it bounces off in a slightly different direction.

You see, the goos-hänchen effect makes the light waves change direction a tiny bit as they come in and go out, instead of just going straight through like they normally would. It happens because the light waves stick around near the surface for a little bit before they move on, and during that time they can also move sideways a little bit.

Scientists use special tools to measure how much the goos-hänchen effect has affected the light waves, like a fancy ruler that can measure the distance of how far the light waves have moved. They study this effect to learn more about light and how it behaves with different surfaces.