Imagine you have a group of friends playing a game, and to make things fair, you choose someone to be in charge and make the rules. This person is like the government of Japan.
In Japan, the government is led by a Prime Minister who is chosen by the people in an election. He is in charge of making sure everyone follows the rules and making new ones if needed. He also leads a group of people called the Cabinet who help him make decisions.
The Japanese government has two parts: the legislative branch and the executive branch. The legislative branch is like your friends who help decide what the rules should be. They are called the National Diet and are made up of two parts: the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. The House of Representatives is made up of elected representatives from different areas of Japan, and the House of Councillors is made up of people chosen by the Prime Minister and approved by the Emperor.
The executive branch is like the person in charge of making sure everyone plays by the rules. It is made up of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and other government officials who carry out the laws that the National Diet creates.
The Japanese government also has a symbol of their authority called the Emperor. While he does not have a lot of power, he plays an important role in Japanese culture and is respected by many.
Overall, the government of Japan is like a group playing a game, with rules and people in charge to make sure everyone plays fair.