ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Government of New Mexico

Okay kiddo, let me explain what the government of New Mexico is all about.

So you know how we have a family and there's a grown-up who's in charge, called a mom or dad? Well, big groups of people, like the people who live in the state of New Mexico, also need someone to be in charge and make rules to keep everyone safe and happy. That someone is called the government.

The government of New Mexico is made up of three parts, just like a triangle. The bottom part is called the legislative branch, which is like the people who make the rules. They're called senators and representatives, and they get together to discuss and vote on new laws for New Mexico.

The second part is the executive branch. This is like the grown-up who makes sure the rules are being followed. In New Mexico, the leader of this branch is the governor, who makes important decisions and helps keep the state running smoothly.

The last part is called the judicial branch. These are like the people who make sure everyone follows the rules and punish those who break them. They're called judges, and they work in courts all over the state to make sure justice is being served.

So to sum it up, the government of New Mexico is like a big group of grown-ups who work together to make rules and keep everyone safe and happy. They're split up into three parts: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.