ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Graça Machel

Graça Machel is a very special lady who comes from a country in Africa called Mozambique. She is very important to many people because she has done a lot of great things to help other people and make the world a better place.

Graça Machel was born a long time ago, in 1945. When she was young, she went to school and learned lots of important things like reading, writing, and math. She also learned how to speak many different languages like Portuguese, which is the main language spoken in Mozambique.

As Graça grew up, she started helping other people. She became a teacher and taught kids how to read and write too. But then, something bad happened. A war broke out in Mozambique and many people were hurt and had to leave their homes. Graça saw that there were lots of kids who needed help, so she started a program to feed them and give them a safe place to stay.

After many years, the war finally ended and things started to get better for Mozambique. Graça became very famous for all the wonderful things she did to help her country. She even became the first lady of Mozambique because she married the president at the time.

But Graça didn't stop helping others. She started to travel to other countries to help even more people who were suffering. She worked with the United Nations to make sure that kids all over the world had a chance to go to school and learn.

Graça is still working hard today to make the world a better place. She is very important and many people look up to her. She is a true hero!