ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grace Evangelical Society

Grace Evangelical Society is a group of people who believe in Jesus and follow his teachings. They believe that salvation or going to heaven is a gift from God and is given when someone believes in Jesus. They also believe that once someone receives this gift, they can never lose it, no matter what they do.

Imagine that you have a really cool toy car that you love playing with. One day, your friend comes over and you give them the car as a gift. You no longer have the car, but your friend gets to keep it forever. That's like the gift of salvation from God. When someone believes in Jesus, they get the gift of salvation forever.

So, Grace Evangelical Society believes that if someone has accepted this gift of salvation, they are saved forever and can never lose it. They believe that nothing can separate the person from their faith in Jesus and from God's love.

This belief is different from some other Christian groups that believe a person can lose their salvation if they do something really bad or stop believing in Jesus. But, for the Grace Evangelical Society, the gift of salvation is forever and cannot be taken away.